How Many Harris Teeter Stores Locations in the United States

Harris Teeter is an American Supermarket chain, located in Matthews, North Carolina. It operates 260 Harris Teeter stores in seven south Atlantic states. Harris Teeter operates stores in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington, and D.C.

Download the Complete Database of Harris Teeter Locations in the US
You can download the complete list of 260 Harris Teeter location data as an Excel file, along with geocoded address, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Harris Teeter has also operated 14 fuel centers. It operates in 109 cities. Harris Teeter owned retail stores as well as owned Bakery and dairy products, Frozen foods, Grocery, Pharmacy, Seafood, Flowers, and many more items.
In Harris Teeter stores there are different categories of Brands, different Departments are available. At Harris Teeter, online shopping, product recall service, payment service, Weekly ad, EVIC benefits, Free WiFi connection, Gift cards, and many more services are available.
Harris Teeter grocery store carries a good selection of foods. You also get a weekly saving on items you employ the foremost. If the Harris Teeter store is near, then it makes your work easier, you can take advantage of its services. Using a google search or google map to find the best Harris Teeter store near you.
The top States with the foremost Harris Teeter Locations are North Carolina vs Virginia vs South Carolina North Carolina.
- The most number of Harris Teeter locations are available in North Carolina with 150 locations, which is 57% of all Harris Teeter locations in America.
- In Virginia, there are 54 locations available, which is 20% of the total number of Harris Teeter.
- In South Carolina, there are 29 locations available, which is 11% of the total number of Harris Teeter.
Although there are 48 US states remaining without Harris Teeter location.
You can also download Harris Teeter’s complete data list like Harris Teeter near you, geocoded address, phone numbers, Stock tickets, and open hours as an excel file, from our data scraping service.
We, at Web Scrape, scrape the following details about Harris Teeter:
- Store Name
- Store Number
- Status
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Phone
- Fax
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Address
- Direction URL
- Country
- Map
- Store Map
- Last Updated Date
- And More.
With this data, you can also know about Harris Teeter stores, Harris Teeter Map, Top Cities with the most number of Harris Teeters locations in the USA, and more.
You can contact us to download the data of Harris Teeter location, Harris Teeter’s stores, Harris Teeter Store numbers, Harris Teeter near you, and many more. We provide this data in different types of formats like CSV, ESRI Shapefile, Excel, GeoJSON, and many more.
We just gather all data as per our client’s request. We provide the right, accurate, updated data at a reasonable price.
It is very easy to download data instantly from our website for immediate use in your project. And it’s also easy to extract Harris Teeter’s location near you and Harris Teeter’s data with us. With the help of our flexible service, you can easily know a particular concept, which you want to know. These services save your time and efforts.
Contact Web Scrape to download this data in CSV, Excel, KML, Esri Shapefile, JSON file formats.