How Many Raising Cane’s Locations are there in United States?

Raising Cane’s is a fast-food chain, which is specializing in chicken fingers. Raising Cane’s headquarters in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States. Raising Cane’s has over 530 locations across the world.
Here, we display the Raising Cane’s Locations USA map. Each grid point in this map shows the Raising Cane’s Store Locations. You can download the complete Raising Cane’s Locations list of all 515 locations data as an Excel file, along with geocoded address, phone numbers, and open hours from our data store.

Download the Complete Database of Raising Cane’s Store Locations in US
You can download the complete list of 515 Raising Cane’s location data as an Excel file, along with geocoded address, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
At Raising Cane’s Mobile Ordering is available. You can download the mobile application and order your food. Raising Cane’s provides Chicken Fingers, French Fries, Coleslaw, Cane’s Sauce, Texas Toast, Soft Drinks, Etc.
Raising Cane’s Store Locations in the USA
The total Number of Raising Cane’s Locations in the United States is 515. Raising Cane’s is operated in 29 States and 302 Cities. The state with the most number of Raising Cane’s Locations in the US is Texas, which has 167 Locations, which is 32% of all Raising Cane’s Locations in America.
There are top states with the most Raising Cane’s Locations:
- Texas has 167 Raising Cane’s Locations, which is 32% of the total number of Raising Cane’s Locations
- Louisiana has 65 Raising Cane’s Locations, which is 12% of the total number of Raising Cane’s Locations.
- Ohio has 42 Raising Cane’s Locations, which is 8% of the total Raising Cane’s Locations.
There are 27 US States and Territories remaining without any Raising Cane’s Locations. Raising Cane’s Florida has no locations.
These States and Territories do not have any Raising Cane’s Locations – West Virginia, Puerto Rico, Michigan, Connecticut, Utah, North Dakota, Florida, Washington, New York, Maryland, Wyoming, Rhode Island, Northern Mariana Islands, District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands, New Hampshire, Guam, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Maine, American Samoa, South Dakota, Montana, Delaware, Vermont, New Jersey, and Idaho.
You can find Raising Cane’s Store Location from Raising Cane’s website or from google or from Raising Cane’s mobile application. On the Raising Cane’s website, you can search Raising Cane’s near me, then Raising Cane’s Store Locator will give you a location search. So you can get to know where is the nearest Raising Cane’s is.
Today’s competition has increased in every field in the market, in order to stay in this competition, a businessman has to bring a new strategy for his business. For this, the businessman must first understand the strategy of the market, for which he needs the data of competitors so that he can analyze that data and make a new decision regarding his business.
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In Raising Cane’s Store locations Dataset, We include these fields:
- Store Name
- Store Number
- Status
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Country
- Phone
- Fax
- Banner
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Address
- Provider
- Open Hours
- Direction URL
- Stock Ticker
- Last Updated Date
- And More.
You can also download this dataset and use this dataset from here for the purpose of analysis. You can use more data from our data store. If you want more data from different sources you can contact us.
Here, we have some records samples of the dataset, by seeing which you can know what kind of fields and data we provide.
Raising Cane’s store location dataset:
Name | Street | City | State | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Purple Reign | 13001 Round Lake Blvd | Minneapolis | MN | 55448 | 763-323-2088 | 45.20680000 | -93.35690000 | 13001 Round Lake Blvd, Minneapolis, MN, 55448 | USA | 03-02-2021 |
The Round Table | 335 Knight’s Way | Harker Heights | TX | 76548 | 254-680-0097 | 31.06880000 | -97.66740000 | 335 Knight’s Way, Harker Heights, TX, 76548 | USA | 03-02-2021 |
The Century Club | 2304 S 31st St | Temple | TX | 76504 | 254-771-4081 | 31.07840000 | -97.36660000 | 2304 S 31st St, Temple, TX, 76504 | USA | 03-02-2021 |
Gonzo | 625 N Airline Hwy | Gonzales | LA | 70737 | 225-644-2551 | 30.23720000 | -90.91320000 | 625 N Airline Hwy, Gonzales, LA, 70737 | USA | 03-02-2021 |
The Unincorporated | 6645 S Parker Rd | Aurora | CO | 80016 | 303-693-1289 | 39.59590000 | -104.80400000 | 6645 S Parker Rd, Aurora, CO, 80016 | USA | 03-02-2021 |
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